Macchine per tubi industriali in gomma (rigid mandrel)

Extrusion lines

Complete lines for the extrusion of the under-layer with laser control system of the diameter and retroaction on the line speed. The line is composed of an extruder for rubber with a 90° head, tank for the anti-adhesive, cooling tank, haul-offs and input and output tables.

Pictures and photos

Cooling tank and diameter laser control
Extruder head
Anti-adhesive tank

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We are an Italian company leader in the design, development and production of turnkey projects and special machinery for the production of hydraulic and industrial hoses, electrical cables and optical fiber.

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Adress: Via Milano, 96
20096 Pioltello - MI - Italy

Phone: +39 02 92141941
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Hours: Monday - Friday
from 8.00 to 17.00